Overcoming Mid Life Crisis in your 20s*đź”´

Micah Ogugua
3 min readNov 15, 2021

This is stage in your life when you feel as though your life isn't without purpose or not heading anywhere. You constantly worry and it seems as though you should have your life figured out.

This most time happens towards graduation where you worry about what will become of you after you graduate. It can lead to slight depression and very natural.

Almost all undergraduates go through this phase. It can lead to intense depression. It is very natural. Especially when there are high expectations from your parents or when a long term relationship you thought would lead to marriage in school fails.

Or even when you lose your capitals as a student to ponzi schemes, forex and other business ventures. Then you see your mates leveling up, getting married e.t.c. It seems as though everyone is moving forward and you are being left behind.

Coupled with realising that school doesn't teach anything to help you face the outside world. Mad phase.

Here’s how to get through this phase.

1. IT IS NATURAL It is normal to worry about the future. It means you are thinking.

2. YOU HAVE TIME people in their 20s don’t realise how much time they have. *Life is a marathon and not a sprint* This is the phase of life where we can make mistakes and start afresh. This is when you can try as many things as possible until you find what works for you. Bezos was flipping burgers in his 20s. Give yourself time to grow.

3. TRY OUT SO MANY THINGS Since school doesn’t teach us about business or career paths; you have to try so many things. Find out what works and what doesn’t. That’s the only way you find which one will work for you.

4. FAILURE IS A PART OF LIFE In your quest to find your path in life you are going to fail severally. You are going to lose your money and other people’s money. So don’t be afraid of failures or rejections. You will tell people about your plans and they won’t give you a penny. Very natural. Its your dream so you have to talk to more people until you find those that are willing to invest in your venture.

5 FOLLOW THE MONEY, PASSION WILL COME LATER Some people will tell you to follow your passion but that is not entirely true. If there’s no serious money around your talent or passion, focus on where the money is. If the best in your field isn’t making money, it should send you a message. When you make money, then you can reinvest it into your real passion.

6. LEARN LEARN LEARN Take your personal development and skillset seriously. If you want people’s money, you must have something to offer them. Money is an exchange of value which means you must be bringing something of value to the market place.

7. BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT YOUR GROWTH This is not "I want to become a millionaire" No! This is I want to become a millionaire in so so date and this are the steps I am going to take daily towards achieving it. You write out books to read (highly recommend kiyosakis), conferences to attend, YouTube videos to watch. Be intentional.

Take time to also read up on human psychology. Robert Greene is a sure bet. Cos most of us come into life with so much innocence and you end up getting used, heartbroken and all those other things. You need to learn to read people. So that even though you choose to laugh or act dumb in conversations, you know what's up. This is very important in business and relationships.


