Micah Ogugua
Jan 9, 2022


Poet Philosopher & Failure

I knew him while he was yet alive
That boy who died with his song on his lips
For he feared the world would judge his tune

Neither love nor fulfillment found his path
For he lived all his life within his shadows
And never gave love nor toil a chance

In my dreams I still find his troubled soul
Calling out my name and pleading that I-
Do not walk in his footsteps.

How withered roses map out his cold grave
Nothing blossoms where his body now lies
For he was a man who died with his dreams

"Here lies a poet, a philosopher and failure"

So says his tombstone

To think that it is I who I speak of
Of my fears, my woes, my fate.
To think that I have been made to see
My end from my very beginning.

-Micah Ogugua

